To reply to a ticket, click on the ‘tap to reply’ section at the bottom of the screen. You can straightaway add a note or forward the ticket using the icons in the same section.

Clicking on Reply will bring up the reply editor. You can type in the reply and send it. You can add a cc or bcc from here too.

To add a note from the reply editor, click on the Reply drop down on the top of your screen and click on Add note, this will bring up the Add Note screen. Type in the information, use the toggle 'Visible to customer' to make it private or public and click on 'Add Note'.

To forward a ticket from the reply editor, click on the reply drop down on the top of your screen and click on Forward, this will bring up the Forward Message screen. Specify the address you want to forward the ticket to in the To, CC, and BCC fields. You may enter a message along with the ticket that you forward, at the bottom. Click on the Forward button to forward the ticket.