Manual tickets will be required when the interaction is through your personal CSE email or via phone. When the communication is outside of the underwriting emails set up in Freshdesk, the tickets are not auto created.

To create a manual ticket, click on the New Button on the top right-hand size of the tickets page.


This is a dropdown and will prompt you for option to create a new ticket, new email, new contact and a new company.



Select ‘New Ticket’ option from the dropdown. You will be redirected to the new ticket page.


Let’s go over the field in the Ticket form:

  • Type: The ‘Type’ is the first field and should be Underwriting (External) or Internal (CSE Employees)
  • Product Related: ‘Product Related’ is a field which needs to be marked ‘Yes’ if the query is related to a specific product. e.g. Mark “Yes”, if the query is calling regarding a rate change for a specific product. Mark “No”, for billing questions, details of invoice and other generic questions which are not product related.
  • Status: ‘Status’ of the ticket should be selected as “Resolved” if you resolve the issue at the first contact and you don’t need to follow up. You can select “Open, Pending, waiting on…” statuses if you need to follow up these tickets. Then, you can change the status to “Resolved” once you complete all the tasks related to the ticket. If you don’t update the status as you resolve tickets, they will be waiting in your inbox as incomplete tasks. SLA metrics will be reported soon so you should keep status information updated.

System will automatically change the status from Resolved to Closed in 24 hours, if there is no new request related to the ticket.

  • Assign to: You can either assign the ticket to someone in underwriting, yourself or to some other team to whom this ticket needs to be directed.
  • Subject: This will describe the ticket in brief.

Once you fill the fields, click on ‘Create’ button on the bottom of the form to create a new ticket.